About Our Church

We want you to visit us at the Church of Christ. And we want you to feel comfortable. But we know an unfamiliar place can be intimidating. So, let us tell you what you can expect when you honor us with a visit.

The Setting                                                           

Some churches of Christ meet in homes or rented facilities. However, most, for the sake of convenience, have erected a church building. You will enter what we refer to as the “auditorium.” There will be rows of chairs or pews for the worshipers. There are no reserved seats, so feel free to sit anywhere you choose.


   Everyone is invited and encouraged to join in acapella singing led by one of our song leaders.  We know some feel uncomfortable with the sound of their singing voice.  But we hope you will still join in praising God and encouraging the other worshippers as the Christians did in the First Century church.  It’s what’s in our hearts that matters, not the sound of our voices.

The People

What Will Be Expected of You?


There will be several prayers during the service. And there may be prayers for specific needs and requests.


    On Sunday mornings, Stan Addis, our preaching minister, challenges and encourages the congregation with practical and life-enriching lessons from the scriptures.  Occasionally other men will present similar lessons.  Our goal is to encourage and never to embarrass any of our visitors or members.  We simply want to help each other in our spiritual journeys.  

Lord’s Supper

    If you visit on a Sunday morning, the Lord’s Supper will be observed.   Each worshipper is invited to share in the eating of the unleavened bread and drink the “fruit of the vine” (normally grape juice) as they commemorate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord.  This avenue of worship is also referenced as “communion” in the New Testament because it is a time during which we demonstrate our unity with Jesus and with each other. 


Also, if you visit on a Sunday morning, offering plates will be passed to collect the weekly financial offering.  As our guest, you are not expected to contribute. Feel perfectly comfortable in just passing the collection plate on down the row.  

What Will Be Expected of You?

Nothing at all! You are welcome to participate, but don’t feel obligated to do so. Just observe if that is your choice. 

 The People

    What kind of people can you expect to find at the Ninth Street congregation?  All kinds.  There are people from all walks of life as well as from all social and economic backgrounds who have a desire to serve the Lord and mankind.  There are people who are very outgoing and there are people who are very quiet.  There are people who have experienced a lot of adversity in their lives and there are people who have helped others get through through their adversities.  There are people from healthy families and there are people from families who are not so healthy.  There are people who have survived failure and there are people who have helped others overcome failure.  The congregation is full of people who care deeply about the Lord and others.  No matter what your background is, you will fit in.